
Explorers Phase

Explorers Phase

Following on from the Champions phase, Explorers embark on a challenging and enriching journey from approximately ages 8 to 14. Our curriculum, now builds upon the foundations laid earlier in the school, fostering a spirit of exploration, reasoning and independence in the Maths, Phonics, Science, Social Studies and Cooking curricula.


  • Maths (following White Rose Maths curriculum)
  • English (incorporating Literacy, Phonics, and Reading)
  • Science (aligned with the English National Curriculum)
  • Social Studies (incorporating Humanities, UAE Social Studies and Moral Education)
  • Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Art & Design
  • Music
  • Physical Education (including Swimming)

Class Structure:

  • Divided by age and ability, with larger class sizes than Champions phase rising from maximum 7 to maximum 8 per class. 
  • Male and Female classes are separate, currently six male and three female classes

Curriculum Approach:

  • Theme-based with themes such as: All about me, Our community, Weather, Habitats, Food and Holiday. Topics linked to the UAE and the wider world such as Emirati Cuisine, My family and People who help me.
  • Project-based learning experiences to encourage deeper exploration Such as Art based projects – Portraits, Habitats – Dioramas and ASDAN Lifeskills projects.
  • Continued focus on individual education plans. 

Here's a closer look at some of the key subjects in the Explorers phase:

  • Maths: Continues with the White Rose Maths curriculum, with an increased emphasis on problem-solving and reasoning. Students will explore more complex mathematical concepts and begin to apply their learning to real-world situations.
  • English: Focuses on developing strong communication skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Literacy skills will be further refined, with a focus on vocabulary development, grammar, and comprehension. Phonics instruction continues for those who need it. Reading becomes more complex, with exposure to a wider range of genres and literature.
  • Science: Students delve deeper into the natural world, conducting experiments, collecting data, and drawing conclusions. The curriculum we have adapted is White Rose Science which follows the UK National Curriculum whilst also incorporating local contexts and environmental issues
  • Social Studies: A captivating blend of History, Interntional Human and Natural Geography, and UAE Social Studies. Students will explore the past, present, and future, examining the UAE's rich heritage, diverse geography, and its role in the global landscape.  

Additional Subjects:  

  • ICT: Students develop their digital literacy skills, utilising technology for research, communication, and creative projects.
  • Art & Design: Encourages self-expression, creativity, and critical thinking through various art techniques and design principles.
  • Music: Appreciates music from different cultures and explores creating their own music using various instruments and music software. Develops performance skills and confidence through participation in termly concerts.
  • Physical Education: Continues to promote a love for sports and physical activity. Students refine their motor skills, participate in a variety of team and individual sports (including football, basketball, badminton, and swimming), and learn the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship, and healthy living.
  • PSHE: Equips students with the knowledge and skills to navigate social and emotional challenges, fostering positive relationships, self-esteem, and responsible citizenship.

Focus on Individualised Learning:

Similar to the Champions phase, the Explorers phase prioritises individual student needs. Teachers create personalised learning plans that support each student's development and interests. 

The class sizes allow for more individualised attention and support whilst allowing students to develop their collaborative skills.

Collaboration and Community Involvement:

The Explorers programme fosters collaboration and teamwork through group projects and activities. Field trips and partnerships with local organisations provide opportunities for students to connect their learning to the real world. Such as the National Identity Manarat Al Saadiyat Art projects. Special Olympics – training and competitions.

Independence is nurtured through the curriculum by developing lifeskills, financial literacy and a lifelong love of reading. Overall, the Explorers phase at Al Karamah School empowers students to become independent, well-rounded individuals with a thirst for knowledge and a passion for lifelong learning through a broad curriculum offer.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 59412, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 
T: +971 2 412 1999 
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